Columbia Law School's Appellate Advocacy Competition

Made possible by the generous support of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison.

2013-2014 Rules of Competition

Harlan Fiske Stone Honors Moot Court
2013-2014 Rules of Competition

Section 1:   Citation of the Rules.
            These rules may be cited in the following form and style: Stone Moot Ct. R. X.

Section 2:              Eligibility.
(a)   In General.  Except as provided in subsection (b), any second-year, third-year, and any L.L.M. student enrolled at Columbia Law School shall be eligible to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition. 
(b)   Exception.  A person who has competed in a previous Stone Moot Court Final Round shall not be eligible to participate. 

Section 3:              Commitment to the Competition
(a)   Signup Deadline.  Not later than 11:59 p.m. on October 10, 2013, an eligible person who intends to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition shall notify the Director of the Stone Moot Court Competition (“Director”) via email at 
(b)   Transcript.  Each person who participates in the Stone Moot Court Competition shall receive a notation on his or her transcript reflecting such participation.  No credit is awarded for participation.
(c)   Withdrawal.  Any person who withdraws from the competition may receive a notation to that effect on his or her transcript.    

Section 4:              Minor Writing Credit
Any participant may earn Minor Writing credit by submitting his or her completed brief to Professor Genty for approval.           

Section 5:              Outside Assistance
(a)   In General.  Briefs must be independently written and researched.  Each participant’s arguments must be his or her own. 
(b)   Research Assistance.  Participants may not receive research assistance. 
(c)   Partner-Only Communication.  With the exception of communication with one’s partner, participants may not solicit or receive any strategic, substantive, or stylistic advice specific to the problem.
(d)   Disqualification.  Failure to abide by this rule, as judged by the director, will result in disqualification.       

Section 6:              Initial Team, Client, and Issue Assignments
(a)   In General.  The Director shall randomly assign each participant to a team, client, and issue. 
(b)   Team and Client Assignments. 
(1)  In General.  Each team shall consist of two participants, and the members of each team shall represent the same client.
(2)  Team Assignments.  Except as provided in subparagraph (3), the Director shall randomly assign each participant to a team and client. 
(3)  Teammate Selection Exception.  On the mutual request of any two participants, the Director shall assign those two participants to the same team.  Such requests must be emailed to the Director by 11:59 p.m. on October 10, 2013.
(4)  Client Preferences.  The Director shall not accommodate any client preferences.
(5)  Odd Numbers.  If an odd number of people participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition, the Director shall randomly select one participant to compete without a teammate.  This participant shall in no way be penalized for participating without a teammate. 
(c)   Issue Assignments.  
(1)  In General.  The Director shall randomly assign an issue to each participant.
(2)  Issue Exchanges.  Issue exchanges between team partners are at the discretion of the Director.  No exchanges of issues will be permitted for the 2013-2014 competition. 
(d)   Notification.  The Director shall notify each participant of his or her initial team, client, and issue assignments on October 12, 2013. 

Section 7:              Qualifying Round
(a)   Timing.  The Qualifying Round shall be held during the fall semester of 2013.
(b)   Record.  The record shall be released to participants on October 8, 2013.  
(c)   Briefs.
(1)  In General.  Each team shall submit a brief on or before November 10, 2013.
(2)  Contents.  The brief shall contain the following sections:
A.        Title Page (including participant and client names) 
B.        Table of Contents
C.        Table of Authorities
D.        Questions Presented
E.         Stipulations
F.      Key Constitutional and/or Statutory Provisions 
G.         Statement of the Case
H.        Statement of Facts
I.       Summary of the Arguments
J.      Argument
K.        Conclusion
(3)  Length.  The argument section for any one issue may be no longer than twenty pages double-spaced. 
(4)  Collaboration.  Teammates shall collaborate to produce all sections described above except for those described in subparagraphs (I) and (J). 
(5)  Submission.  Each team shall submit:
A.        One electronic copy in PDF format to the Director; and
B.         Eight paper copies to a designated bin in the Moot Court Office.
(d)   Oral Arguments.
(1)  In General.  Oral arguments for the Qualifying Round shall be held during the fall semester.  Oral arguments for the Qualifying Round of the 2013-2014 Stone Moot Court Competition will be held on November 19, 20, and 21.  Students with conflicts are expected to accommodate the schedule and should contact the Director immediately. 
(2)  Rounds.  Each team shall participate in two oral arguments during the Qualifying Round at an hour and location to be determined by the Director. 
(3)  Length and Structure.
A.        In General.  Each participant shall be allotted twenty minutes in which to present an oral argument.
B.         Rebuttal.  Each participant arguing for petitioner may reserve up to five minutes for rebuttal by requesting it at the beginning of their argument.

(e)   Scoring
(1)  In General.  Each participant’s brief and oral argument will be judged individually.  Although judges should attempt to draw distinctions between the performances of the participants, they may assign the same score to multiple participants. 
(2)  Score Rehabilitation.  To protect against outlier scores, each participant’s highest and lowest score will be dropped.  The same will be done for each participant’s brief scores. 
(3)  Cumulative Scores.  A participant’s cumulative score shall be the sum of:
A.        the average of each score awarded to the participant for his or her brief by each judge during the Qualifying Round; and
B.         the average of each score awarded to the participant for her oral argument by each judge during the Qualifying Round.
(4)  Penalties.  Any participant who submits a brief late, or causes his or her partner to submit a late brief, will be penalized five points.  If the brief is more than twenty-four hours late, the Director may apply additional penalties.  The deadline for brief submission is 7:59 P.M. on November 10, 2013. 
(f)   Advancement.
(1)  In General. 
A.        Issue One.  Of the participants assigned to argue Issue One, the eight participants who have the highest cumulative scores shall advance to the Elimination Round. 
B.         Issue Two.  Of the participants assigned to argue Issue Two, the eight participants who have the highest cumulative scores shall advance to the Elimination Round. 
(2)  Ties.
A.        In General.  In the event of a tie for the eighth-highest score on an issue, the cumulative scores for the tied participants will be recalculated based on their raw, non-rehabilitated scores.  The participant with the higher recalculated score shall advance. 
B.         Director Selection.  In the event that subparagraph (A) does not resolve the tie, the Director shall select a tied participant to advance.

Section 8:              Elimination Round
(a)   Timing.  The Elimination Round shall be held during the spring semester of 2014.
(b)   Reassignment of Teams. 
(1)  Teams. 
A.        In General.  Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the Director shall randomly assign each participant who advances to a team.
B.         Teammate Selection Exception.  On the mutual request of the participants, the Director shall assign to the same team any two participants who have advanced to the Elimination Round and who are assigned to different issues.
(2)  Issues.  Each participant who advances to the Elimination Round shall brief and argue the same issue to which he or she was assigned in the Qualifying Round.
(3)  Clients.  For a given issue, if the number of advancing participants who represented Appellant in the Qualifying Round does not equal the number of advancing participants who represented Appellee in the Qualifying round, the participants with the lowest scores will be asked to switch clients. 
(4)  Withdrawal.  Advancing participants who do not wish to write a new brief may decline to do so but will receive no recognition for advancing to the Elimination Round.  They will be replaced by the participant with the next highest score. 
(c)   Briefs.
(1)  In General.  Each team shall submit a brief at the designated time.
(2)  Contents.  The brief shall contain the following sections:
A.        Title Page (including participant and client names) 
B.         Table of Contents
C.         Table of Authorities
D.        Questions Presented
E.         Stipulations
F.     Key Constitutional and/or Statutory Provisions 
G.        Statement of the Case
H.        Statement of Facts
I.       Summary of the Arguments
J.      Argument
K.        Conclusion
(3)  Length.  The argument section for any one issue may be no longer than twenty pages double-spaced. 
(4)  Collaboration.  Teammates shall collaborate to produce all sections described above except for those described in subparagraphs (I) and (J). 
(5)  Submission.  Each team shall submit:
A.        One electronic copy in Word format to the Director; and
B.         Eight paper copies to a designated bin in the Moot Court Office.
(d)   Oral Arguments.
(1)  In General.  Oral arguments for the Elimination Round shall be held on two nights during the spring semester. Students with conflicts are expected to accommodate the schedule and should contact the Director immediately. 
(2)  Rounds.  Each team shall participate in two oral arguments during the Elimination Round at an hour and location to be determined by the Director. 
(3)  Length and Structure.
A.        In General.  Each participant shall be allotted twenty minutes in which to present an oral argument.
B.         Rebuttal.  Each participant arguing for petitioner may reserve up to five minutes for rebuttal by requesting it at the beginning of their argument.
(e)   Scoring.
(1)  In General.  Each participant’s brief and oral argument will be judged individually.  Although judges should attempt to draw distinctions between the performances of the participants, they may assign the same score to multiple participants. 
(2)  Score Rehabilitation.  To protect against outlier scores, each participant’s highest and lowest score will be dropped. The same will be done for each participant’s brief scores. 
(3)  Cumulative Scores.  A participant’s cumulative score shall be the sum of:
A.        the average of each score awarded to the participant for his or her brief  
       by each judge during the Elimination Round; and
B.         the average of each score awarded to the participant for her oral
       argument by each judge during the Elimination Round.
(4)  Penalties.  Any participant who submits a brief late, or causes his or her partner to submit a late brief, will be penalized five points.  If the brief is more than twenty-four hours late, the Director may apply additional penalties.  
(f)   Advancement.
(1)  In General. 
A.        Issue One.  Of the participants assigned to argue Issue One, the two participants who have the highest cumulative scores shall advance to the Final Round. 
B.         Issue Two.  Of the participants assigned to argue Issue Two, the two participants who have the highest cumulative scores shall advance to the Final Round. 
(2)  Ties.
A.        In General.  In the event of a tie for the second-highest score on an issue, the cumulative scores for the tied participants will be recalculated based on their raw, non-rehabilitated scores.  The participant with the higher recalculated score shall advance. 
B.         Director Selection.  In the event that subparagraph (A) does not resolve the tie, the Director shall select a tied participant to advance.

Section 9:              Final Round.
(a)   Timing.  The Final Round will be held on April 7, 2014.
(b)   Reassignment of Teams. 
(1)  Teams.  The Director shall reassign teams such that each participant who argued Issue One is paired with a participant who argued Issue Two. 
(2)  Issues.  Each participant who advances to the Final Round shall brief and argue the same issue to which he or she was assigned in the preceding rounds.
(3)  Clients.  For a given issue, if the advancing participants represent the same client, the participant with the lowest score will be asked to switch clients. 
Note:  Although some participants may be required to write a new brief and argue a new position, no one will have to brief or argue a new issue. 
(4)  Withdrawal.  Advancing participants who do not wish to write a new brief may decline to do so but will receive no recognition for advancing to the Final Round.  They will be replaced by the participant with the next highest score. 
(c)   Briefs.
(1)  In General.  Each team shall submit a brief on March 26, 2014.
(2)  Contents.  The brief shall contain the following sections:
A.        Title Page (including participant and client names) 
B.         Table of Contents
C.         Table of Authorities
D.        Questions Presented
E.         Stipulations
F.         Key Constitutional and Statutory Provisions 
G.         Statement of the Case
H.        Statement of Facts
I.          Summary of the Arguments
J.          Argument
K.        Conclusion
(3)  Length.  The argument section for any one issue may be no longer than twenty pages double-spaced. 
(4)  Collaboration.  Teammates shall collaborate to produce all sections described above except for those described in subparagraphs (I) and (J). 
(5)  Submission.  Each team shall submit:
A.        one electronic copy in Word format to the Director; and
B.         Eight paper copies to a designated bin in the Moot Court Office.
(d)   Oral Arguments.
(1)  In General.  Oral arguments for the Final Round shall be held in the spring semester.  Oral arguments for the Final Round of the 2013-2014 Stone Moot Court Competition will on April 7, 2014. 
(2)  Length and Structure.
A.        In General.  Each participant shall be allotted twenty minutes in which to present an oral argument.
B.         Rebuttal.  Each participant arguing for petitioner may reserve up to five minutes for rebuttal by requesting it at the beginning of their argument.
(e)   Recognition.
(1)  In General.  Only the panel of judges for the Final Round shall determine the participant with the best oral argument in the Final Round.
(2)  Lawrence S. Greenbaum Prize.  The Lawrence S. Greenbaum Prize shall be awarded to the participant with the best oral argument in the Final Round.
(3)  Best Brief.  The Moot Court Executive Board, in consultation with the Final Round judges, shall determine the participant with the best brief in the Final Round.
(4)  Highest Overall Average Score.  At the discretion of the Executive Board, the participant with the highest overall average score from the Qualifying and Elimination Rounds shall be recognized at the Final Round.